Teacher Supervision begins at 8:45am each morning.
- Lessons commence at 9:15am
- K-6 recess between 11.15am - 11:45am
- Lunch eating time between 1:15pm - 1:25pm
- First half lunch between 1:25pm - 1:45pm
- Second Half Lunch between 1:45pm - 2:05pm
- Bus students leave classroom at 3:10pm
- Lessons finish and students dismissed at 3:15pm
Teachers will accompany students from their classrooms and dismiss them from under the cola and basketball courts.
If you need to collect your child/ren prior to 3.15pm, please report to the office and complete the appropriate paper work.
School Assemblies
Are generally held on a Thursday afternoon. Dates and times are advised via our School Bytes App and the School Facebook page.